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Recipe for Beef Stew on the Stove

Traditional beef stew is a dish that can be enjoyed during the winter months or at any other time of the year when one desires a meal that is both hearty and filling. This recipe for beef stew with spareribs is sure to warm you up from the inside out thanks to the tender spareribs and the variety of vegetables used in its preparation. In this article, we will walk you through the recipe step by step and offer some helpful hints to ensure that your beef stew always comes out delicious.

Beef stew has been served for centuries and is still very popular today. It's a timeless dish that works for anything from a quiet night in with the family to a potluck with the gang. And while there are many ways to prepare beef stew, we think our version using spareribs is the best.

Find out what sets apart our beef sparerib stew from the rest. Tender spareribs are substituted for beef chuck or stew meat, for one. With this addition, the stew takes on a deeper flavor and becomes more satisfying to the palate. We've added depth to the dish by selecting a wide range of vegetables that go well with the beef. The combination of carrots, potatoes, and celery results in a hearty and flavorful stew.

From browning the spareribs to adding the vegetables, you'll find it all here in this blog post. You can trust that this recipe will become a regular in your kitchen whether you're a seasoned chef or just starting out. Let's dive right in and master the art of making a delicious beef stew with spare ribs.


In a large Dutch oven or heavy pot, heat the oil over medium-high heat. Cook the spareribs for 5 minutes per side until browned. Set spareribs aside.

Prepare medium-high heat in a large Dutch oven or heavy pot before using it. After adding the spareribs, continue cooking them until they are browned on all sides, which should take about five minutes per side. Take the spareribs out of the pot and set them aside somewhere else.

Cook the onion and garlic in the pot for about two to three minutes, or until the onion has become more pliable and the garlic has developed its characteristic aroma.

After adding the carrots and celery to the pot, continue cooking for an additional 5 minutes while stirring the contents of the pot occasionally.

After adding the potatoes to the pot, continue cooking for another two to three minutes, stirring the contents of the pot occasionally.

After adding the spareribs back into the pot, add the beef broth, the red wine, the tomato paste, the thyme, and the bay leaf. Give everything a good stir.

After the stew has reached a simmer, turn the heat down to low and cover the pot with a lid to keep it warm.

Allow the stew to cook over low heat for about two to three hours, or until the spareribs are tender and the potatoes are cooked all the way through.

Take out the bay leaf from the pot, then taste the stew and season it with salt and pepper as desired.

The beef stew should be served in bowls, and some crusty bread should be placed on the side so that it can soak up the flavorful broth.


Spareribs - Keep in mind that spare ribs have a lot of bone and connective tissue, so they need a long, low cook time to become tender and juicy. The connective tissue is tenderized and the flavor is enhanced by the long cooking time required for stews, so they are ideal for this dish.

Onion and Garlic - Beef stew isn't complete without the aromatic and flavorful addition of onions and garlic. Both onions and garlic are known for their ability to reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system, among other health benefits. They also have the ability to aid in digestion and aid in blood sugar regulation. To fully incorporate the onion and garlic flavors into the beef stew, cook them until they are soft and translucent. The onions and garlic can be softened in oil or butter before being added to the beef and other ingredients. Simmer the stew for as long as you can to get the beef tender and the flavors to really come together. In the end, you'll have a nutritious and delicious beef stew.

Carrot and Celery - Beef stew gets its sweet and savory notes from carrots and celery. Carrots add sweetness, counteracting the saltiness of the beef, and celery gives the stew an earthy, savory depth. Both carrots and celery are nutrient powerhouses. Vitamin A can be found in abundance in carrots, and vitamins K and C can be found in abundance in celery. You can improve the nutritional value of beef stew by including these vegetables. Beef stew is improved by the addition of crunchy carrots and celery. As the stew cooks, the carrots will soften and add a mild sweetness, while the celery will retain some crunch and serve as a nice counterpoint to the tender beef. Beef stew benefits greatly from the addition of carrots and celery, but they must be cut into manageable pieces to ensure they cook in tandem with the beef. The beef, onions, and other ingredients can be added to the pot and simmered until the vegetables are tender and the beef is cooked

Potatoes - Beef stew often includes potatoes because of their familiarity and the heartiness they can bring to the dish. The beef stew is made more satisfying by the inclusion of potatoes. As they cook, they soften and thicken the stew to make it more satisfying. Potatoes, with their subtlety and earthiness, pair well with the beef and other vegetables in the stew. They pick up the stew's aromas and flavors from all the other ingredients and give it a touch of sweetness. Carbohydrates, fibre, and a number of vitamins and minerals can all be found in potatoes. Beef stew can be made healthier and heartier by including potatoes in the recipe. For the best results in your beef stew, use Yukon Gold or red potatoes, which retain their shape and flavor even after long periods in the oven. For even cooking with the beef and other ingredients, cut them into bite-sized pieces. You can throw all of the ingredients into a pot and let it simmer until the beef is done and the vegetables are tender.

Red wine - The addition of red wine to beef stew is a common practice because of the dish's ability to take on a more nuanced and complex flavor profile. The tannins, acidity, and fruity notes in the red wine elevate the beef stew to a whole new level of deliciousness. The beef becomes tender and full of flavor thanks to the wine's role in breaking down the meat's proteins. The wine's alcohol content also aids in releasing the stew's other flavors. A beef stew cooked with red wine can be fragrant as it cooks. As the wine simmers and mixes with the other stew ingredients, its aroma is released. When added to beef stew, red wine can make for gorgeous, deep color. The rich hue of the wine can improve the stew's visual appeal. It's best to use a dry red wine like Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, or Pinot Noir in beef stew. After a while of simmering, the wine's alcohol will evaporate, leaving behind only its complex flavors and aromas in the stew. Simmer the beef and wine until it's tender and the flavors have blended, about an hour.

Tomato paste -Tomato paste is often added to beef stew because of the depth of flavor it provides. Tomato paste can be used to enhance the flavor of beef stew by adding a concentrated and rich tomato flavor. The acidity and sweetness of the tomato can be a nice contrast to the beef and other vegetables in the stew. Tomato paste can be used to enhance the beef stew's rich, velvety texture and to thicken it. The paste, added in very small amounts, brings the stew together as a whole. Lycopene, an antioxidant thought to protect against some types of cancer, is abundant in tomato paste. Boosting the healthiness of beef stew by adding tomato paste. Pick a high-quality paste that is additive- and preservative-free when making beef stew with tomato paste. Tomato paste can be added to the pot alongside the other ingredients and allowed to simmer until the beef is tender and the flavors have blended. So that it encapsulates the stew evenly, you should stir the tomato paste in thoroughly.

Thyme and Bay leaf - The bold and distinct flavors of thyme and bay leaves can enrich the beef stew with nuance and complexity. The flavor of thyme is mild and slightly sweet, while the flavor of bay leaves is more robust and earthy. When combined, their flavors can give the stew depth and complexity. A little bit of thyme and bay leaves in the beef stew will make it smell great while it cooks. As the herbs simmer, their aromatic oils are released, giving the stew a warm and welcoming aroma. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of thyme and bay leaves are well-known in the medical community. They can help the body digest food and even strengthen the immune system. It's best to add herbs like thyme and bay leaves to beef stew at the start of cooking so that their flavors can permeate the dish. When the beef is tender and the stew is rich in flavor, add the herbs and let them simmer with the rest of the ingredients. Bay leaves, while adding flavor to the stew, should be removed before serving.

Salt and pepper, Beef broth

This recipe for hearty beef stew using spare ribs is the ideal dish for cold winter days when you want something that will keep you warm and give you a sense of security. This stew has all the makings to become a household favorite: it has a savory and flavorful broth, meat that falls off the bone, and hearty vegetables. In addition, it is simple to prepare and can be put together in advance, which makes it an excellent option for hectic weeknights as well as leisurely weekends

Traditional beef stew can be prepared in a number of different ways, each of which offers its own unique flavor profile. If you make your stew with spareribs as the foundation, it will have a flavor and texture all its own, which is sure to win you fans. You can make a flavorful and hearty beef stew that is suitable for any occasion by using just a few straightforward ingredients and a little bit of patience. Therefore, the next time you make beef stew, why don't you experiment with spare ribs? You'll be pleasantly surprised by how tasty it ends up being.


  • 2 pounds spareribs, cut into individual ribs
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 medium carrots, sliced
  • 2 celery stalks, sliced
  • 1 pound potatoes, peeled and chopped into 1-inch pieces
  • 2 cups beef broth
  • 1 cup red wine
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1 bay leaf
  • Salt and pepper, to taste


  1. Cook the onion and garlic in the pot for 2-3 minutes until softened and fragrant.
  2. Add carrots and celery and cook for 5 more minutes, stirring occasionally.
  3. Cook the potatoes in the pot for another 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Return the spareribs to the pot and add beef broth, red wine, tomato paste, thyme, and bay leaf. Mix.
  5. Simmer the stew and cover it.
  6. The stew should simmer for 2-3 hours to tenderize the spareribs and cook the potatoes.
  7. Remove the bay leaf and season the stew.
  8. Serve beef stew in bowls with crusty bread to soak up the broth.


Add more flour or make a slurry of cornstarch and water to thicken the stew to your desired consistency.

Make seasoning changes as you see fit. Feel free to season to taste with additional salt, pepper, or herbs.

Parsnips, turnips,  green peas, and hot peppers are other nutritious and tasty vegetables that can be added to the stew.

Extras can be kept in the fridge for up to 4 days, or frozen for later.

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